Win Cash And Doughnuts For A Year
Want to create your own doughnut and win your own for a year plus a pretty hefty cash prize? Here's your chance. According to, you can enter Entenmann's Fan Flavor Challenge and Sweepstakes now. This will give you the chance to have your creation made during the upcoming holiday season. You could actually see your doughnut vision come to life and win cash and doughnuts for a year.
You have until June 14th to enter by using the "flavor maker" on the Entenmann's website. You chose your flavor for the base, and your topping and glaze. You then have to come up with a cool, creative name for your creation. Then you must write something describing why you are a big Entenmann's doughnut fan.
If your doughnut concoction is chosen, you will have your doughnut made during the 2019 holiday season. You will also win five thousand dollars and a year's supply of doughnuts. Second and third place will get free doughnuts for a year and a thousand dollars each.
For all the info and how to enter, click HERE.