Upstate Summer Camp for the Kids? You Won’t Believe Who Just Got Busted!
My only experience with Summer camp was with those movies that came out when was a kid. Meatballs with Bill Murray, Ernest Goes to Camp and of course Friday the 13th. In each film the characters were breaking the rules, pulling pranks and there always seemed to be underage drinking. That doesn't really happen at camp does it?
According to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, more might be going on at your kids Summer camp than you might have realized.

Summer Camp in New York State promises activities such as swimming, tennis, rock climbing and a variety of other team and solo activities. It's supposed to be fun, a celebration of youth and making new friends. What about the camp counselors? Even they should be having a blast, right? Especially on a holiday!
As of this writing, not all of the details have been revealed. Here's what we know. On Monday July 4th, New York State Forest Rangers in Essex County got the call that there was a party taking place along the Boreas Trail in Minerva, NY. Just after 1PM officers set out to see what might be happening.
When State Rangers arrived at the scene they did indeed find a party. As the investigation developed officers determined that many of the individuals, and there were quite a few, at this underage party are off-duty camp counselors. Forest Rangers issued 24 tickets for underage possession of alcohol on State land.
Each of the suspects were shuttled back to their respective camps and the party was shut down by 4:35 p.m. According to CriminalDefenseLawyer.com, if an underage individual is charged with possession of alcohol in New York they could get a ticket to appear before a judge. At that point there's the potential for fines, mandatory alcohol awareness program attendance and community service.
The camp affiliation was not disclosed by the NY DEC.
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