Transportation of Firewood Heavily Watched
State environmental conservation police have been watching the New York state and Vermont or Massachusetts borders to catch illegal transportation of firewood. More than 1,000 motorists have been stopped coming into New York after checkpoints were set up in Rensselaer and Columbia counties, Friday. State authorities are trying to prevent the spread of destructive invasive insects into the state that can be carried on untreated firewood.
Treated firewood is considered kiln treated or treated with heat. This treatment kills any invasive pests such as the emerald ash borer, Asian longhorned beetle and sirex wood wasp. These pests can kill numerous trees in little time. In Michigan, the ash borer has devastated tens of millions of ash trees since arriving in 2002, according to the Times Union. Right now, Ulster and Greene counties are under quarantine due to borer infestations.
Fines and jail time can be issued to anyone who transports untreated firewood. Fines can be as much as $250 plus carry a $100 civil penalty. A violator could be put away for as many as 15 days in jail.