
Are You Ready To Pay YouTube To Avoid Watching The Ads?
Are You Ready To Pay YouTube To Avoid Watching The Ads?
Are You Ready To Pay YouTube To Avoid Watching The Ads?
YouTube announce this week that they plan on offering an option for people who want the service but don't want to see all the ads. This would be in addition to the paid subscription, ad-free music service called Music Key that they began offering to some participants last November.
Comedian Does Great Impersonations Of 14 Different Celebrities “Caught In Traffic”
Comedian Does Great Impersonations Of 14 Different Celebrities “Caught In Traffic”
Comedian Does Great Impersonations Of 14 Different Celebrities “Caught In Traffic”
Here is one of those videos I just saw someone post on Facebook that I have never seen before but many people have, over 5 and a half million actually. Not too bad for a video that was posted just a few months ago. The video is of a comedian named Lauren O'Brien doing impersonations and pretty good ones if I do say so myself.
‘Gentle Whispering:’ 94 Million People Have Watched This 28-Year-Old Blonde ‘Whisper’ On YouTube
‘Gentle Whispering:’ 94 Million People Have Watched This 28-Year-Old Blonde ‘Whisper’ On YouTube
‘Gentle Whispering:’ 94 Million People Have Watched This 28-Year-Old Blonde ‘Whisper’ On YouTube
YouTube is truly one of the most amazing media outlets in the world today, so many people who would normally go unnoticed seem to find fame and followers online through this media outlet.  Many of them make a great deal of money from posting videos on YouTube alone.
Watch This Video Of A Toddler’s Crazy Reaction To ‘Frozen’ [VIDEO]
Watch This Video Of A Toddler’s Crazy Reaction To ‘Frozen’ [VIDEO]
Watch This Video Of A Toddler’s Crazy Reaction To ‘Frozen’ [VIDEO]
Wow, what is it about this song? I really can't remember a time when one song had so much impact on the world, especially children. I admit I have not seen the movie yet but I actually am looking forward to it when I have the time. Having seen this video and others like it, I am a little worried about letting my kid watch it! Though I must say this little boy is adorable.
Adorable Kid Video Of The Day! – Sweet Toddler Gets Overwhelmed Watching A Chipmunks Movie
Adorable Kid Video Of The Day! – Sweet Toddler Gets Overwhelmed Watching A Chipmunks Movie
Adorable Kid Video Of The Day! – Sweet Toddler Gets Overwhelmed Watching A Chipmunks Movie
I admit it , one of my favorite things about the internet is the really adorable kids that find there way onto YouTube. For some its sports clips, others just can't get enough of the cats but for me it's kids. This girl and her reaction to the 1987 Alvin and The Chipmunks Movie just makes me feel human.
“Amazing Jam Session” Is This Real Or Staged?
“Amazing Jam Session” Is This Real Or Staged?
“Amazing Jam Session” Is This Real Or Staged?
You may have come across one of the latest videos to go viral on the internet. It's called, "Amazing Jam Session - Three Random Guys Sing Together". It is really a pretty good video supposedly taken by a passerby who was enjoying the music from a street musician. As he is taping the man singing a second man comes in and begins to improvise with the first and things get really fun when a
A Must Watch Video for Moms Who Need a Laugh [Video]
A Must Watch Video for Moms Who Need a Laugh [Video]
A Must Watch Video for Moms Who Need a Laugh [Video]
I think I have a new bestie on youtube, and she doesn't even know it! One of my friends shared this video on Facebook this morning and I had to watch it!  And I'm glad I did! It captures the real way you feel as a busy mom who wants to hang out with a friend who happens to be child-less...
1 Kid + 1 Dad + Special Effects = “Action Movie Kid” – This Is Awesome! [VIDEO]
1 Kid + 1 Dad + Special Effects = “Action Movie Kid” – This Is Awesome! [VIDEO]
1 Kid + 1 Dad + Special Effects = “Action Movie Kid” – This Is Awesome! [VIDEO]
This video has a little bit of everything that I love. Father and Son working together, special effects, and lots and lots of geek references like "Star Wars" and "Batman". I don't think you have to be into any of those things though to enjoy it, you just have to like to watch really cool things.
“The Futility Of Existence” This May Be The Greatest Two Minute Video EVER! –  (The Things You Can See Out Your Window)
“The Futility Of Existence” This May Be The Greatest Two Minute Video EVER! – (The Things You Can See Out Your Window)
“The Futility Of Existence” This May Be The Greatest Two Minute Video EVER! – (The Things You Can See Out Your Window)
Now I know that title may seem like a bit of a tease, but I have to tell you I really think this video may be just that good.   Now, at first glance it is just funny, I mean anytime you can watch a very drunk Russian trying to first go through and then over a fence with no luck, hey that's a win. Throw in the twist at the end and it has a great humor pay off.  However, after I watched the entire v

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