
Lousy Albany New York Weather-Enough Already! [AUDIO]
Lousy Albany New York Weather-Enough Already! [AUDIO]
Lousy Albany New York Weather-Enough Already! [AUDIO]
I know it's beating a dead horse here (sorry PETA), but this is beyond belief.  Now it's puddles that we have to deal with!  It's either been sunny and bone chilling cold, or warm but raining, or neither and snowing up to our foreheads.  And who do we blame during times like these?   News 10's Steve Caporizzo of course!
Snow–It Won’t Stop (VIDEO)
Snow–It Won’t Stop (VIDEO)
Snow–It Won’t Stop (VIDEO)
We were expecting to get 4-8 inches of snow here in the Albany area. That just changed as the weather gurus have added another 3 inches to the total. Albany can expect at least a foot now, and the northern tier in the Glens Falls and Lake George region will get 14-17 inches now.
Let It Snow
Let It Snow
Let It Snow
I bet most of you are not aware, but it's snowing out.  And we are getting hit with a lot of the cold white stuff.  I know it has dominated most all of the Facebook posts I've seen today and all of the news.

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