valentine's day

Office Romances: 5 Things You Should Know Before You Start
Office Romances: 5 Things You Should Know Before You Start
Office Romances: 5 Things You Should Know Before You Start
It’s February, and you know Valentine’s Day is around the corner because as soon as January got rolling, all that red and pink candy started popping up everywhere. It’s cold outside, the holiday of love is nearly upon us, so it would be understandable if you were suddenly in the mood to look at your co-workers just a little differently. Hmm ... which one might have the potential to keep you warm a
Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas [SURVEY]
Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas [SURVEY]
Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas [SURVEY]
I was reading the results of a recent survey and it said that most women want jewelry as a present this Valentine's Day. The only other thing on the survey to get a double digit percentage was flowers and chocolate. That got me wondering, what is it that women really want for V day...

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