united states

El Nino Will Bring A Warmer Drier Winter To New York Sate
El Nino Will Bring A Warmer Drier Winter To New York Sate
El Nino Will Bring A Warmer Drier Winter To New York Sate
I don't know if you have heard yet but meteorologist are getting crazy lately about the potential El Nino that we will be experiencing this year. In fact they say that it could be even stronger than the El Nino of 1997. SO, what does that mean for us? They say it should mean a warmer drier winter. I will gladly take that.
Smelly Sneakers Win Big for Nine-Year Old
Smelly Sneakers Win Big for Nine-Year Old
Smelly Sneakers Win Big for Nine-Year Old
A nine year-old boy won himself a whole lot of money, a free trip and a life-time supply of products.  Okay, I lied -- he didn't get a life time supply.  Just a bunch of the company's products from the prize closet.  So what did this youngster do to win all this?  Well, I'll tell you.