
Iconic Toy Store Reopens This Week
Iconic Toy Store Reopens This Week
Iconic Toy Store Reopens This Week
There have been rumors that Toys R Us would reopen as another store, but that hasn't happened. Well an iconic toy store featured in movies has announced that they are reopening this week.
Iconic Toy Store To Reopen
Iconic Toy Store To Reopen
Iconic Toy Store To Reopen
It seems as if all of the toy stores that we shopped at when we were kids are closing their doors. There is one very famous toy store that will reopen for good in just a few months.
Grinch May End Toy Pick-Up
Grinch May End Toy Pick-Up
Grinch May End Toy Pick-Up
It seems that the Grinch has made a stop at the train station and may not take any toys this Christmas to distribute them to kids in need. The announcement was made that they may no longer help.
Toys R Us Closes Forever This Week
Toys R Us Closes Forever This Week
Toys R Us Closes Forever This Week
We've known for some time that Toys R Us would completely shut its doors. But it seemed that every time I was near the iconic toy store, it was still open. Now we have a definite closing date.
New Role Model Barbie Dolls Released
New Role Model Barbie Dolls Released
New Role Model Barbie Dolls Released
On the heels of International Women's Day, Mattel has released a series of new Barbie dolls to highlight empowering women. They are available now online and in stores.
Toddlers Scared Reaction To “Feisty Pet” Toy Goes Viral (WATCH)
Toddlers Scared Reaction To “Feisty Pet” Toy Goes Viral (WATCH)
Toddlers Scared Reaction To “Feisty Pet” Toy Goes Viral (WATCH)
Can your little kid take a joke? Some parents thought so and they went ahead and bought the toy that is cute and cuddly on the surface, but turns "feisty" with a little squeeze. And by feisty we mean, well, mean!  Check out the latest toy craze that has the internet buzzing, parents laughing and some kids (slightly) terrified.
Fidget Spinners Dangers
Fidget Spinners Dangers
Fidget Spinners Dangers
A couple of months ago, I learned what a fidget spinner was and the madness that came along with this toy. Ryan is still pretty obsessed with these little toys but now we all need to be aware of the dangers.

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