
Watch Chrissy's Mom do The Wooden Spoon Experiment
Watch Chrissy's Mom do The Wooden Spoon Experiment
Watch Chrissy's Mom do The Wooden Spoon Experiment
There was an online video circulating that showed how you can see just what still lingers inside wooden spoons even when you run them through the dishwasher. My mom utilizes the wooden spoon in many ways. Watch what happens when she puts her own wooden spoons to the test.
You Can Take the Jeopardy Test RIGHT NOW!
You Can Take the Jeopardy Test RIGHT NOW!
You Can Take the Jeopardy Test RIGHT NOW!
Hated to wait for the certain time they were hosting the test to find out if you were Jeopardy-qualified? Wait no more, now you can take the test whenever you want!
Could You Become a US Citizen? Take the Test!
Could You Become a US Citizen? Take the Test!
Could You Become a US Citizen? Take the Test!
Every Fourth of July we celebrate this amazing country we live in but I feel like, personally, sometimes I take it for granted. All I had to do was be born in this country and I had citizenship, for others it's harder.
Is Bethany Pregnant?
Is Bethany Pregnant?
Is Bethany Pregnant?
I have been really sick and moody for the last 3 or 4 days.  The nauseousness is especially bad in the morning.  I was so sick the other day that Sean found me outside trying to get some air.  He immediately decided that I was pregnant! Here's the trouble, I had a tubal ligation 5 years ago...