
53% of People Think It’s Okay to do THIS in the Shower…
53% of People Think It’s Okay to do THIS in the Shower…
53% of People Think It’s Okay to do THIS in the Shower…
Pee!  Soooooo... the other 47% of you are lying? I mean, shower time is usually private time, so you never really know what other people do in the shower. But, a new survey found some of the weirder things people do when they're taking a shower or a bath...
Would You Give Up the Internet Forever in Order to Save a Stranger?
Would You Give Up the Internet Forever in Order to Save a Stranger?
Would You Give Up the Internet Forever in Order to Save a Stranger?
Most people wouldn't. This morning Sean and I talked about the new survey that asked people if they'd be willing to give up their internet access FOREVER to save a stranger's life. The results are shocking.  55% of people say they'd rather keep the internet...
No, Guys, She Doesn’t Want Lingerie for Christmas
No, Guys, She Doesn’t Want Lingerie for Christmas
No, Guys, She Doesn’t Want Lingerie for Christmas
Have you heard of the "boomerang gift", it's a present you give someone that also benefits YOU. Which, according to a new poll is exactly the kind of gift women don't want! Like, lingerie, for example. Bad news, dudes, if you were planning on giving her a little number for your eyes to enjoy, she's not into it...

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