
Topic Roulette: The True Key to Happiness
Topic Roulette: The True Key to Happiness
Topic Roulette: The True Key to Happiness
This morning you voted during topic roulette and you picked my topic! Thanks guys! The topic was.... the true key to happiness in your life! A new study found that when people participated in nudist activities it made them more satisfied with their bodies and that led to them being more satisfied and happy with their lives overall...
What Disappointment Leads to Today Being the Saddest Day of the Year?
What Disappointment Leads to Today Being the Saddest Day of the Year?
What Disappointment Leads to Today Being the Saddest Day of the Year?
When I got up this morning, I didn't know that it was today. I just picked my outfit out for the gym and went on my merry way. Then I saw that today is colorfully called, "Blue Monday." It's not just because it's Monday, which has a fairly bad rap all on its own. No, instead there a few factors that come into play according to a British psychologist, Cliff Arnall, who has put a formula t
Is the Weather Affecting Your Mood?
Is the Weather Affecting Your Mood?
Is the Weather Affecting Your Mood?
When I took a peak at the forecast for the week on Sunday, I'll admit, I was pretty devastated. The last thing any of us really want to see is a week full of rain and unfortunately
Here’s Why You Should Touch Your Co-Workers More
Here’s Why You Should Touch Your Co-Workers More
Here’s Why You Should Touch Your Co-Workers More
So maybe you're not into it when Larry from accounting gives you an impromptu shoulder rub at the water cooler... fine, I get it, but there is actually scientific proof that sometimes reaching out and touching your co-workers is a good idea...
The Key to a Happy Marriage is Saying These 2 Words…
The Key to a Happy Marriage is Saying These 2 Words…
The Key to a Happy Marriage is Saying These 2 Words…
I'm totally guilty of just expecting my husband to do things and be there for me, sometimes with very little appreciation.  So, while I'm not sure this study has the absolute answer to lifelong marital bliss, I can totally get where they're coming from!
The Best Time to Get Busy According to Your Age
The Best Time to Get Busy According to Your Age
The Best Time to Get Busy According to Your Age
This morning you may have heard us talking about a new study that found which times of day were best for having sex, depending on your age. A sleep expert at Oxford University in England found there are different times that work for different generations based on your body's natural rhythms, your schedule, and your obligations at different ages...
Funny Girls Aren’t Hot, According to a New Study
Funny Girls Aren’t Hot, According to a New Study
Funny Girls Aren’t Hot, According to a New Study
Chicks totally love a funny guy, we know that!  But now, science has proven it! According to the University of Kansas, the funnier the guy, the more likely he'll end up in a physical relationship with a woman. Here's the catch... according to that study, when women are funny, it didn't increase the chance of a relationship...
Women Are Easy When They’re Tummies Are Full
Women Are Easy When They’re Tummies Are Full
Women Are Easy When They’re Tummies Are Full
Don't know about you girls, but when I'm hungry, things can get pretty ugly!  Mood swings, yelling, pouting, etc.  I call it hangry. So, it makes sense to me that when I'm hungry, I wouldn't necessarily be in the mood to get it on! A new study from the University of California, San Diego, found that most women are the MOST into romance right after they EAT...

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