
Tongue Exercises to Finally Stop Snoring
Tongue Exercises to Finally Stop Snoring
Tongue Exercises to Finally Stop Snoring
Maybe it's you, maybe it's your hubby or your wife?  Someone in your house is probably a snorer!  And, I'm sure you thought you tried everything!  From those crazy nasal strips to that T-shirt with a tennis ball in the back!  But nothing has worked, right...
Get Some Sleep
Get Some Sleep
Get Some Sleep
How ironic-  a morning radio guy telling you how to get more sleep.  I hope I can take my own advice!  Actually it's not MY advice - I'm just passing along what I just learned this morning
Sleep Habits Affect Child Obesity
Sleep Habits Affect Child Obesity
Sleep Habits Affect Child Obesity
At the University of Chicago, researchers released new data on child obesity.  300 children from Kentucky, between the ages of  four and ten were studied.  The study found an interesting correlation between children who don't get enough sleep and an increased risk for obesity and weight-related problems.