
Your Town Thursday
Your Town Thursday
Your Town Thursday
Was it technically a tornado in Rotterdam, NY?  Who knows.  That's for the meterologists to decide.  But regardless, it's Your Town Thursday, so I thought they would be the perfect one to pay tribute to this morning.
Changing Lanes
Changing Lanes
Changing Lanes
Bowling is a great sport.  No kidding.  It IS a sport, you know!  Sometimes it can be a little demanding, and the rules can be restrictive.  That's why we went "rogue" and it's been a blast.
Suspicious Rotterdam Deaths
Suspicious Rotterdam Deaths
Suspicious Rotterdam Deaths
UPDATE at 7:30 PM: There are reports that a mother and daughter have been found strangled in the home. The initial call was to the fire department for a structure fire which was quickly put out when they arrived. It was then that the bodies were discovered...