New Yorkers

COVID Test Not Recommended For Air Travel
COVID Test Not Recommended For Air Travel
COVID Test Not Recommended For Air Travel
If I could book a flight and go on vacation, I would do it in a heartbeat. I think I speak for almost everyone when I say I need a vacation. I just want to fly somewhere to get away for a while. We have been cooped up too long. Now the Centers For Disease Control (CDC) may make it even easier.
Cuomo Says 14 Weeks To Vaccinate First Groups
Cuomo Says 14 Weeks To Vaccinate First Groups
Cuomo Says 14 Weeks To Vaccinate First Groups
Vaccinations are underway across New York state, but Governor Cuomo announced that it would take nearly fourteen weeks to get just the first two groups vaccinated. Then how long will it take to get others vaccinated? Seems like a slow process.
More Help With Your Heating Bill
More Help With Your Heating Bill
More Help With Your Heating Bill
This winter has been a cold one. With the cold temperatures comes a higher heat bill. It was announced that additional funding will help New Yorkers struggling to pay their heating bill.
Sign Up Now For Heating Assistance
Sign Up Now For Heating Assistance
Sign Up Now For Heating Assistance
It's time for Capital Region residents to sign for help with your heating bill this winter. There is a significant amount of assistance available for New Yorkers under the Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP).
New Yorkers Have the Hardest Time Spelling What Word?
New Yorkers Have the Hardest Time Spelling What Word?
New Yorkers Have the Hardest Time Spelling What Word?
I'm no stranger to confirming the spellings of words via Google. I'll also go there and check which version of the word is the correct one to use, as well, because once you start writing blogs you find out just how many folks are grammar police (even when they, too are wrong.) It turns out, I'm not alone in my usage of "the Google," as my Nana may say. People all around the United States