
CBS Set to Air JonBenet Documentary – I Think the Brother Did It
CBS Set to Air JonBenet Documentary – I Think the Brother Did It
CBS Set to Air JonBenet Documentary – I Think the Brother Did It
20 years ago, I was just 12-years old. I can remember the news reports though the day of after Christmas in 1996. It seemed to blow up in the media almost immediately, which given the lack of Hollywood stardom seemed a little peculiar but given the age of little JonBenet, maybe it wasn't so strange.
Did You Know: You Can Keep Track of Fall Foliage Season?!
Did You Know: You Can Keep Track of Fall Foliage Season?!
Did You Know: You Can Keep Track of Fall Foliage Season?!
We're at that time of the year where soon, I'll be praying for the first frost so my allergies can calm the heck down. If you're not like me, then maybe you're just noticing the slight weather change and the fact pumpkin spice and Christmas decorations seem to be popping up everywhere you go.
What’s Your Dumbest Injury? I Know I’m Not Alone
What’s Your Dumbest Injury? I Know I’m Not Alone
What’s Your Dumbest Injury? I Know I’m Not Alone
No one seems to believe how clumsy and accident prone I am when they first meet me. But, trust me...give it a couple of months and you'll start to see what my friends and family have grown to understand is just "Marissa."

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