Leonard Hospital in Troy had been vacant for over twenty years. Demolition of the eyesore started last week and while it was coming down, they discovered a time capsule. Here's what they found inside.
Children and adults on the Autism spectrum have a local hospital to go to. They can treat autism patients for emergency care and make sure they are treated both for their ailment while being aware of their special needs.
If you've been fishing, then you know that with that comes some pretty interesting injuries. One local hospital has seen so many of these that they created a display to honor them!
How many times have you looked over a medical bill and been completely blown away by some of the things you've been charged for? From the MRI to the bedpan and everything in between, it's mind-blowing. That's about to change (hopefully). On January 1st, hospital pricing will become a lot more transparent, giving us consumers a chance to do some bargain shopping.
I don't know about you, but growing up thunder and lightning scared the crap out of me. Like most kids, the loud sounds were enough to send me to the closest windowless room with as many of my stuffed prized possessions as possible (by the way, it was typically about 12 stuffed animals, my cat and the radio shoved in the upstairs bathroom until the storm was over.)
A lightning strike at Madison Square Park in Poughkeepsie took down 5 people this afternoon at about 4:15.
Three of the 5 people who were struck were injured so badly they were unresponsive when medics arrived.
According to reports they were not directly struck by the lightning but were standing by a bench under a tree that was struck when the charge from the lightning conducted through the ground
15-month old Musa Dayib has been nicknamed "the miracle baby" after he escaped death! Musa slipped through the railing at his family's apartment in Minnesota and fell to the ground.
Experts say that the mulch he fell in was the only reason he survived...