high school

Neo-Nazi Instagram Account Spreads Around Saratoga High School
Neo-Nazi Instagram Account Spreads Around Saratoga High School
Neo-Nazi Instagram Account Spreads Around Saratoga High School
Saratoga Springs High School is stressing that they have nothing to do with an Instagram account featuring Neo-Nazi imagery and messages. Hundreds of students followed an account that was set up and the school is warning parents.  The account has since been deleted...
5 Capital Region High Schools Among Top 500 in US
5 Capital Region High Schools Among Top 500 in US
5 Capital Region High Schools Among Top 500 in US
I like to pride myself on the fact that I'm from the Capital Region. We are lucky to have such an amazing community to grow up in and be a part of. I feel even more privileged to be a part of an area that has such high standards for ourselves, which shows in the quality of our businesses as well as our school systems.
Sexual Assault at Niskayuna High School
Sexual Assault at Niskayuna High School
Sexual Assault at Niskayuna High School
The parents of a Niskayuna High School female student are suing the district because they say the district failed to protect their daughter and didn't follow the school's code of conduct. According to the suit, the victim, a high school girl, had been dropped off for a final exam, but with no designated area for students to wait, she and the suspected student entered an empty classroom... Read Mor
WATCH: Shen Assistant Principal Joins The Dance Team For Charity [VIDEO]
WATCH: Shen Assistant Principal Joins The Dance Team For Charity [VIDEO]
WATCH: Shen Assistant Principal Joins The Dance Team For Charity [VIDEO]
Assistant Principal is a thankless job. You toil and work to help your community's youth expand and extend their minds and never get the credit.  While the Principal gets all the glory and the teachers get all the apples you go about your day and walk the halls in anonymity, hoping that one day someone will notice you...
Albany Teacher Is Latest To Be Accused of Having A Sexual Relationship With A Student
Albany Teacher Is Latest To Be Accused of Having A Sexual Relationship With A Student
Albany Teacher Is Latest To Be Accused of Having A Sexual Relationship With A Student
According to an article on News 10 ABC's website, a formal Lasalle teacher is accused of having an inappropriate sexual relationship with a student. The teacher, at the time of the alleged relationship, was 28 and the student was 17. The teacher is also denying the accusations and claims to be a victim of extortion.
Is It Wrong To Leave A Graduation Ceremony Early? – This Was A Hot Debate On The Sean And Bethany Show Today
Is It Wrong To Leave A Graduation Ceremony Early? – This Was A Hot Debate On The Sean And Bethany Show Today
Is It Wrong To Leave A Graduation Ceremony Early? – This Was A Hot Debate On The Sean And Bethany Show Today
Is it wrong to leave a graduation ceremony early? We had people weighing in on both sides of this issue today on the show. I personally took the stance that no, it isn't wrong and a good amount of people thought I was a terrible person if I even considered it.
A Thank You To Students At Middleburgh High
A Thank You To Students At Middleburgh High
A Thank You To Students At Middleburgh High
"The young people today just don't care about anyone but themselves. These kids have a sense of entitlement that will bring the country to it's knees." These are the kind of comments you see these days about our youth. I'm not here to argue the merits of such statements, but I would say that if you want to see good in the world you just have to look for it. Unfortunately it can be hard t
A Girl With Cancer Dreams Of Prom, A Country Grants Her Wish – The Good News
A Girl With Cancer Dreams Of Prom, A Country Grants Her Wish – The Good News
A Girl With Cancer Dreams Of Prom, A Country Grants Her Wish – The Good News
Maddy Cruxton lives in England and she  has been battling cancer since she was just three years old. She has gone into remission and out of remission over and over through the years and the whole time she tried to live a normal life. She is now in tenth grade and the cancer not only has come back but this time Doctors believe it may be terminal. Maddy's wish was just to be able to go to prom. Her

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