
Country or Not?  "Two Worlds, One Flannel"
Country or Not? "Two Worlds, One Flannel"
Country or Not? "Two Worlds, One Flannel"
If you're like me, there are things in life that you just can't bring yourself to like.  For some people, it might be a particular food (avocado toast anyone?) or the latest fashion trend (80s short shorts?).  For me, it is country music. Wait!  Before you close that tab, hear me out. I can explain.
GNA Listener Does Hilarious “Toilet Paper Dance” At Countryfest (Video)
GNA Listener Does Hilarious “Toilet Paper Dance” At Countryfest (Video)
GNA Listener Does Hilarious “Toilet Paper Dance” At Countryfest (Video)
We've all been there.  That embarrassing, horrifying moment when you walk out of a bathroom and into a crowd with toilet paper stuck to your leg, hanging out of your pants, in your shoe, or worse, all of the above! This happened last Saturday to a GNA listener attending Countryfest.  Luckily, it was caught on tape and sent to the morning show. Sorry buddy, but you're about to go viral!
Blake Shelton Taught Jimmy Fallon How to Milk a Cow [Watch]
Blake Shelton Taught Jimmy Fallon How to Milk a Cow [Watch]
Blake Shelton Taught Jimmy Fallon How to Milk a Cow [Watch]
When Jimmy made Blake eat sushi I thought it was so funny, little did I know that Blake was gonna return the favor and introduce Jimmy to something he's unfamiliar with! Blake Shelton recently taught Jimmy Fallon how to milk a cow and I giggle out loud quite a few times while watching it...
This Keyboard Player Might Be Possessed But Steals the Show [Watch]
This Keyboard Player Might Be Possessed But Steals the Show [Watch]
This Keyboard Player Might Be Possessed But Steals the Show [Watch]
I absolutely love this keyboard player from the Boston Crusaders. I love people who are passionate about their jobs or hobbies! So I happen to think she is totally slaying! The keyboardist is Anna Eberhart. Anna is a student at John H. Guyer High School in Denton, TX and is their band's Drum Major...
Unnecessary Censorship #3 – The Sean and Bethany (BLEEP) with a Little Extra (BLEEP)
Unnecessary Censorship #3 – The Sean and Bethany (BLEEP) with a Little Extra (BLEEP)
Unnecessary Censorship #3 – The Sean and Bethany (BLEEP) with a Little Extra (BLEEP)
For the last few weeks Dave our producer has been having a whole lot of fun in the editing room here at WGNA. Apparently, there is just something about the way Bethany and I talk some mornings that makes Dave think a few beeps put in random places can make things sound a whole lot different than they did before and I have to say he is right.

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