
This Comedian Tells Thigh Gaps How She Really Feels About Them [Watch]
This Comedian Tells Thigh Gaps How She Really Feels About Them [Watch]
This Comedian Tells Thigh Gaps How She Really Feels About Them [Watch]
I mean, this thigh gap rage really is dumb, right?  But I haven't seen anyone express that sentiment quite as perfectly as Luisa Omielan!  She's a hilarious English comedian who has properly explained why it's okay to have a little extra padding around your edges...
15 Things That Will Definitely Happen If You Work In An Office [Watch]
15 Things That Will Definitely Happen If You Work In An Office [Watch]
15 Things That Will Definitely Happen If You Work In An Office [Watch]
Do you have a job?  Do you work in an office?  Good, then this video is for you. I laughed out loud several times just thinking of all the ways I could relate to this video! So gather your work friends around and watch this together, but don't let your boss see you...
Funny Girls Aren’t Hot, According to a New Study
Funny Girls Aren’t Hot, According to a New Study
Funny Girls Aren’t Hot, According to a New Study
Chicks totally love a funny guy, we know that!  But now, science has proven it! According to the University of Kansas, the funnier the guy, the more likely he'll end up in a physical relationship with a woman. Here's the catch... according to that study, when women are funny, it didn't increase the chance of a relationship...
Awkward! Kids Play Truth or Drink with their Parents! [Watch]
Awkward! Kids Play Truth or Drink with their Parents! [Watch]
Awkward! Kids Play Truth or Drink with their Parents! [Watch]
Remember the video of the three old ladies smoking weed for the first time that made the rounds on the internet back in November?  Well, now the guys who made it have a new video called "Truth or Drink: Parents and Kids". I'm pretty open and honest with my parents, but doing this might be terrifying for even me...
Katie Couric Pranks James Corden by Falling Down Stairs [Watch]
Katie Couric Pranks James Corden by Falling Down Stairs [Watch]
Katie Couric Pranks James Corden by Falling Down Stairs [Watch]
A lot of people did some pretty lame, not so funny April Fools jokes yesterday.  Some people even got into some trouble. Not Katie Couric.  She is a sassy, classy lady and she knows how to do a prank right! Can you spot the look of terror on James's face when he thinks Katie fell down the stairs...
Is This a Commercial for STDs? [Watch]
Is This a Commercial for STDs? [Watch]
Is This a Commercial for STDs? [Watch]
A vintage PSA about STDs called "VD Is For Everybody" is making the rounds again.  It's from the late '60s or early '70s, and it's been online since at least 2006.  But for some reason it's trending right now. Apparently it was supposed to make people realize anyone can get an STD, but it's so lovely, it kinda makes it seem not so bad to get VD...
Comedian Does Great Impersonations Of 14 Different Celebrities “Caught In Traffic”
Comedian Does Great Impersonations Of 14 Different Celebrities “Caught In Traffic”
Comedian Does Great Impersonations Of 14 Different Celebrities “Caught In Traffic”
Here is one of those videos I just saw someone post on Facebook that I have never seen before but many people have, over 5 and a half million actually. Not too bad for a video that was posted just a few months ago. The video is of a comedian named Lauren O'Brien doing impersonations and pretty good ones if I do say so myself.
These Kid Snippets Videos Will Make You LOL! Promise! [Watch]
These Kid Snippets Videos Will Make You LOL! Promise! [Watch]
These Kid Snippets Videos Will Make You LOL! Promise! [Watch]
I watched these videos with my kids last night and we were all giggling!  Adult actors do a scene and kid voices are dubbed over.  It's hysterical!  They even got Josh Groban involved!  They're called "Kid Snippets" and they're by a company called "Bored Shorts" - Enjoy...

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