
Meet The Furry Friends Giving Patients Love & Support @ St. Jude
Meet The Furry Friends Giving Patients Love & Support @ St. Jude
Meet The Furry Friends Giving Patients Love & Support @ St. Jude
I am an animal lover and I'm convinced that my dogs know how I'm feeling at all times. Then I imagine I am a kid and I'm in a strange place fighting for my life because I have cancer. What can help with the worries these St. Jude patients have? It's therapy dogs and they are amazing at their jobs.
NYRA Saratoga Face Masks to Help Non-Profits
NYRA Saratoga Face Masks to Help Non-Profits
NYRA Saratoga Face Masks to Help Non-Profits
There are many options for people to cover their faces during the coronavirus pandemic. There are also a ton of different designs and types of face masks. Now NYRA and Saratoga are producing their own to raise money for non-profits in Saratoga Springs.
Blood Donations Needed - Gift Card Offered
Blood Donations Needed - Gift Card Offered
Blood Donations Needed - Gift Card Offered
There is a critical need for blood donations in the Capital Region. There are many blood drives that are scheduled throughout the area and there is also a gift card incentive if you do give the gift of life. Here are the details.
Facebook, Your New Birthday Trend is Driving Me Crazy!
Facebook, Your New Birthday Trend is Driving Me Crazy!
Facebook, Your New Birthday Trend is Driving Me Crazy!
Apologies that this may sound like a rant, that's because it is. Facebook already reminded me of people's birthdays that I'm barely acquaintances with and now they want more from me? Leave me alone!
Can You Help? Citywide Food Drive Happening Now
Can You Help? Citywide Food Drive Happening Now
Can You Help? Citywide Food Drive Happening Now
When we think of donating food to our community food banks, it's usually around Thanksgiving or the holidays. There is one city in the Capital Region that every year at this time, they do a big push for donations. Here's how you can help.

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