
This Bizarre Massachusetts Spot is a Creepy Location With a Very Eerie Name
This Bizarre Massachusetts Spot is a Creepy Location With a Very Eerie Name
This Bizarre Massachusetts Spot is a Creepy Location With a Very Eerie Name
Throughout Massachusetts, there are plenty of cities, towns, and villages with some bizarre and very distinctive names. There's no question about that. Some of those locations even have some haunted history, or perhaps a relatively frightening backstory. Or, they could just have a creepy look to them with an even creepier name. This particular spot is both of those. Of course, it's not a city, it's not a town, but it is a village...sort of.
Sicko Saratoga Sleeper Creeper Back At It AGAIN!
Sicko Saratoga Sleeper Creeper Back At It AGAIN!
Sicko Saratoga Sleeper Creeper Back At It AGAIN!
Imagine hearing a noise in the middle of the night and waking up to a strange man in your bedroom, staring at you while you sleep.  Well it's happening repeatedly and Ramiz Hajratalli, 31, has been caught twice since August 11 breaking into homes in Saratoga Springs and watching residents sleep.
Man Creeping at Crossgates: Here’s Who to Look For
Man Creeping at Crossgates: Here’s Who to Look For
Man Creeping at Crossgates: Here’s Who to Look For
I've been seeing a Facebook post going around of a man at Crossgates Commons making women feel really uncomfortable, even taking weird pictures of them. According to comments, she wasn't the only one.
Weird and Creepy
Weird and Creepy
Weird and Creepy
We all have them, that one joker in the office that likes to pull random pranks on people. At one of the stations I worked at in Eastern North Carolina we had an entire office FULL of people. We plastic wrapped cars to light poles, changed pictures in people's offices, and they once attached everything on my desk to my wall in my office...
2011 Getting Creepy
2011 Getting Creepy
2011 Getting Creepy
I read on someone's Facebook wall this week the following information and I thought I'd pass it along because I found it fascinating yet extremely bazaar.  Let me know if this information doesn't apply to you because you will be the first person this has not worked on.