
Dumb Starbucks Completely Rips Off Starbucks and Doesn’t Care
Dumb Starbucks Completely Rips Off Starbucks and Doesn’t Care
Dumb Starbucks Completely Rips Off Starbucks and Doesn’t Care
A coffee shop called Dumb Starbucks has opened in the Los Feliz neighborhood in Los Angeles.  They are serving a dumbed-down menu of dumb iced coffee, dumb lattes, and dumb pastries. No one knows why the store is there, or what they are trying to prove...
Toby Keith Controversy
Toby Keith Controversy
Toby Keith Controversy
Tell me what you think of this... Remember Stella Leibeck?  She's the one who sued McDonalds in 1992 after her coffee gave her third degree burns. She won a great deal of money in the suit. Stella has since passed, but her family is very angry with Toby Keith...

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