The Capital District Transportation Authority (CDTA) has added yet another option for Capital Region residents to get around easier. This time it's a new program called Drive which allows you to drive your own car!
The weather is getting nicer and that means that the Capital District Transportation Authority (CDTA) in partnership with CDPHP Cycles is out in cities across the Capital Region. This Friday you will be able to ride them for free.
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer met reporters at the future site of the CDTA’s Gateway Mobility Hub to announce the transportation complex coming next year
Soon there will be another option to get around the Capital Region. This next venture for the Capital District Transportation Authority (CDTA) is called Drive. This is a new ride-share program that will allow you to use a car in the Capital Region 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The program is slated to begin in May or June of this year with a fleet of 6 cars to start.
In an effort to get all New Yorkers vaccinated, Rensselaer County has come up with a creative way to promote the vaccine. The Capital District Transportation Authority (CDTA) has wrapped the Vax Bus that will travel around the county all summer long.
If you plan on drinking tonight to celebrate the new year, Albany County is implementing its annual Safe Ride program for New Year's Eve. There are free rides and discounted rides for all who have had too much to drink tonight. Here are the details.