
Local Hero Tells GNA About Life Saving Moment (Audio)
Local Hero Tells GNA About Life Saving Moment (Audio)
Local Hero Tells GNA About Life Saving Moment (Audio)
Every weekday morning at around 9:45, Chrissy and I do a Good News segment - highlighting a positive, uplifting, or inspirational story.  Tuesday morning we talked about a local contractor named Joe Shewczyk who was in his work truck on Friday morning and watched an accident unfold on alternate Route 7, Latham,  right before his very eyes.  With some quick thinking, bravery, and a little help from
Cambridge Ghost Girl Mystery Solved
Cambridge Ghost Girl Mystery Solved
Cambridge Ghost Girl Mystery Solved
They say a picture is worth a thousand words, or in this case a thousand shares and thousands of comments all over social media. I'll admit that I was pretty interested as well, but we can all go back to our regularly scheduled "Facebooking" because the mystery of the "Cambridge Ghost Girl" has finally been solved!
Cambridge NY Mysterious Picture [PHOTO]
Cambridge NY Mysterious Picture [PHOTO]
Cambridge NY Mysterious Picture [PHOTO]
Have you ever been on a ghost hunt? Wanted to stay over in a haunted building? I love this stuff. On TV, I've watched them all from Ghost Adventures, to Paranormal State, to Ghost Hunters- I love it. The minute I saw this creepy photo out of Cambridge, NY they had me hooked.
Should We Have ‘Shooter Drills’ in Our Schools?
Should We Have ‘Shooter Drills’ in Our Schools?
Should We Have ‘Shooter Drills’ in Our Schools?
You don't think anything of it when your kids come home from school and tells you they had a fire drill at school.  You don't think twice anymore about an "emergency go-home" drill, or even a "lock-down" drill.  But as of late, schools around the country have been conducting active "shooter" drills...