
Football Coach Fired For Disciplining A Bully
Football Coach Fired For Disciplining A Bully
Football Coach Fired For Disciplining A Bully
So, I was looking through the local TV news websites this morning and this headline on the News 10 ABC webpage caught my attention, "Football coach fired after punishing child for allegedly bullying teammate". Really? The fact that stories like this even still exist makes me worry about where we are heading as a society.
The Local Parents Of A 12 Year Old Bullying Victim Are Suing The School – My Thoughts On The Subject
The Local Parents Of A 12 Year Old Bullying Victim Are Suing The School – My Thoughts On The Subject
The Local Parents Of A 12 Year Old Bullying Victim Are Suing The School – My Thoughts On The Subject
If you went to work today and someone berated you with racial epitaphs or homophobic slurs you could go to Human Resources and have them fired and probably have a solid lawsuit on your hands. If you went to a supermarket and some random thug grabbed you and put you in the freezer next to the ice cream because they thought it was funny, you could  have them arrested and charged with assault... Read
Awful Letter
Awful Letter
Awful Letter
This honestly makes me sick. I feel like I should put out some sort of warning to people before they read it, however it doesn't contain violence or sexually explicit language. No, it is far worse than anything that we as a society deem socially unacceptable. Yet to me, it is the FIRST thing we should all be condemning.
Terrorism in Our Schools
Terrorism in Our Schools
Terrorism in Our Schools
"Boys will be boys."  "Hey,  school is tough. "  "Let them fight it out, they will work it out."   These are the kind of things you hear when you are talking about bullies in school.  Even the word "bully" itself makes the act seem less than what it is.