You may not be able to taste the rainbow in New York. Skittles, Starburst, Ho Hos, and other candies and snack cakes could soon be a thing of the past.
Well, this is definitely a confusing topic. Stores across New York State have been starting to enforce showing identification to buy a pretty specific item. It's a law that was brought to the Senate in 2019 prohibiting the sale of whipped cream chargers, also known as "whippits, whippets, or whip-its" to persons under the age of 21...
New York state gets the governor's approval to begin making and selling ice cream made with alcohol. This will help many local businesses who took a hit during the pandemic with another option.
There is a bill proposed that would ban the sale of puppies from puppy mills in New York state. It would cover most pets sold in pet stores across the state.
Jury duty is our civic duty (whether we like it or not), but according to a new bill passed earlier this week, breastfeeding women will have an exemption period.