
Amazon 4-star Opens at Crossgates Mall
Amazon 4-star Opens at Crossgates Mall
Amazon 4-star Opens at Crossgates Mall
Why would Amazon open a physical store? Amazon's Director of Physical Stores, Drew Sheriff tells Times Union, "People love the opportunity to feel and touch products." The Wall Street Journal reported in 2019 on the flip from being a threat to malls to possibly saving them by being a tenant.
Amazon Hiring Thousands to Work From Home
Amazon Hiring Thousands to Work From Home
Amazon Hiring Thousands to Work From Home
If you are looking for a flexible job that pays well, Amazon is hiring thousands across the country. They are holding a virtual job fair this week and you could get hired soon. Here are the details.
First Suspicious Seeds-Now Mysterious Masks
First Suspicious Seeds-Now Mysterious Masks
First Suspicious Seeds-Now Mysterious Masks
A couple of weeks ago, random people throughout the United States were getting suspicious seeds in the mail. The latest is an unsolicited package containing a face mask. Here's what to do if you receive one.
Amazon Offering Free Kids Programming w/o Prime Subscription
Amazon Offering Free Kids Programming w/o Prime Subscription
Amazon Offering Free Kids Programming w/o Prime Subscription
If you're a parent working from home or you're simply struggling to find ways to keep children entertained while the coronavirus quarantine takes over our lives, this may be helpful.  There are plenty of useful activities that we could be doing with the kiddos, but sometimes, some good old fashioned 'screen time' is the most helpful.  Some children and family TV content has just become available f

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