This Friday night, Colonie Athletics will unveil the new name of their football field to honor the late great Mike Ambrosio. Coach Greg Bearup and former Athletic Director Joe Guardino joined us to talk about the upcoming event. All the details are in the interview above but in terms of coach Ambrosio, both Coach Bearup and Joe Guardino delivered some great memories including talking about taking a year off to be able to watch his son.

Ambrosio was very well rounded as a coach. He was a physical education teacher at Colonie and was involved in wrestling, track and lacrosse as well. From Joe Guardino: "He was seen everywhere and I think that was part of his approach...the school district in general, he really believed, lived it, cared a great deal about other sports and coaches. You would often see him go work out in the morning, go to work everyday, go to practice and then with Vicky and the kids in toe at a basketball game. He was a great mentor and role model for the entire athletic program."

Where would the Yankees’ be without Aaron Judge this season? Judge has 33 home runs and none bigger than a three run shot he delivered on Monday in the 8th inning against Minnesota. Who knows if the momentum from the come from behind 6-5 win over the Twins will carry over for the rest of the regular season, but Judge has been consistently good all season. Yankee fans can’t even complain about him missing games because of injuries. Judge has been injury free, and right now he’s keeping the Yankees’ in the playoff conversation.

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