Mechanicville School Infected with Fast Spreading Stomach Bug
This is the time of year that people start to get sick but a school in Mechanicville is going to have to deep clean with the virus that's spreading around the building.
The Mechanicville Elementary School must be deep-cleaned this week because of a quickly spreading stomach bug leaving many absent, according to the Times Union.
A total of 106 students were absent from school on Wednesday and 38 of them were diagnosed with a stomach illness. What the Times Union is calling an "epidemic," hasn't yet caused the need for the school to close but the state Health Department has some recommendations.
The Times Union said that "Water fountains, bathrooms, classrooms, and cafeteria tables will be deep cleaned by Thursday." They also sent letters home asking parents to keep their kids home from school. Apparently, usually a school doesn't close unless at least a third of the kids have come down with an illness but as Mechanicville Superintendent Bruce Potter said, "We are not waiting for that amount of students to be absent and are moving forward with the cleaning today."