A major controversy is brewing even as I write this tonite.  It seems that Newsweek has done something to upset ALOT of people.  I'm sure this issue will be flying off the newstands!

10th Anniversary Memorial Service for Diana, Princess Of Wales

It is coming up on what would have been Lady Diana's 50th birthday.  It's very hard to think of her as an ALMOST senior citizen, or at least until now.  Newsweek made what many are calling a ghoulish move and digitally placed her on the cover of their latest issue standing next to the current princess, Kate Middleton.   CNN has the story here:


Personal opinion only here, but this is HARDLY the first time they've done something like this.  I mean, how many times have they digitally brought deceased celebrities back -even to sell products on TV?   Like the late Chris Farley for example

You want to see ghoulish and eerie?  How about the late great dancers Gene Kelly and Donald O'Connor resurrected using computer wizardry to sell VOLKSWAGONS!

And finally, the one that gave me the most chills ever?  The Beatles Rock Band TV spot!

At least in the case of Lady Di, they were using her photo to try to envision what she would have looked like had she lived, what her interests would be etc.  I don't think there was any disrespect meant toward her, do you?  And I'm sure the relatives of Farley, Kelly, O'Connor and the Beatles must have felt the same way, or they never would have given permission to satellite TV, cars and video games (yea- because the estates profiting off of them - who are WE kidding?)

So in the scheme of things, I don't see this as a big deal AT ALL. In fact, my personal guess?  NEWSWEEK PROBABLY STIRRED UP THE CONTROVERSY THEMSELVES TO SELL MAGAZINES!  AND IF SO - BRILLIANT MOVE!

Are YOU upset by this?  Maybe I'm wrong here.   I've never been wrong BEFORE, but there's always a first time!  (arrf aarf).   Leave your comments below!



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