Massachusetts residents, did you ever take a road trip when you were a kid and you saw a road sign(perhaps a town limits sign) that just made you chuckle?
Massachusetts definitely has some of the most unique town names of any state. Some town names are so distinctively unique that plenty of residents don't know how to pronounce them. Many towns in the Bay State begin with the four directions: North, East, West, and South. There are even 19 towns throughout the Bay State that end in 'ham'. But throughout all the crazy, unique, eccentric, and bizarre town names in Massachusetts, there are even some that just don't sound like they are towns that should exist in the Bay State whatsoever!
Whether you love New York or despise it. I am sure you will find these few statements a bit aggravating as many people outside the Northeast US believe them.
Have you ever been on vacation and rolled through a new town wondering how the heck you pronounce THAT?! It happens to people all the time. I mean, how many singers have stood on stage at the Times Union Center and called Albany, AL-bany? Too many.
A few days ago Matty wrote a blog about the "Weirdest Town Names In New York". THe blog was based on a story done by a real estate website, Estately. The story covered the weirdest town names in every state. Well yesterday Estately put out another list of best town names in each state but this time they were looking for the towns names that just sound dirty.