Here’s When You’ll Be Able To Get A Haircut In New York
It has been one of the less urgent but more annoying scenarios of the pandemic: dealing with out of control hair. But relief is coming soon!
We have all been dealing with it since the pandemic began: less than ideal hair-grooming options. With nowhere to get it cut or by having our less than experienced housemates tackle hair cutting duties, we are not looking as sharp as we usually do. It is certainly one of the less important things we have been dealing with, but one we will certainly appreciate when our salons and barbershops can reopen. When will that be?
According to a News 10 report, our haircutting pros will be able to start operating again in Phase 2 of the New York state reopening plan. Lietenant Goveror Kathy Hochu tweeted out the news last Friday.
So when does this mean you can get a haircut in the Capital Region? That will depend on two things: when we kick off Phase 1 of reopening and if all goes well during phase 1. According to reports, the Capital Region should begin phase 1 of reopening this week. If all goes well for 2 weeks after that as far as infection and hospitalization rates remaining stable, the region can then begin Phase 2 of reopening.
So let's say we open this Wednesday, May 20, we would be looking at barbershops and hair salons opening June 3. At the rate we are going, it looks like you could be getting the much-needed haircut by the first weekend of June. Let's keep our fingers crossed all goes well as we reopen and you can get those locks trimmed up just in time for that first blast of hot summer weather.
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