Halloween Memories 6 Years Ago Today – My Costume Double..
I was just relaying the story to a friend of mine. Several years ago I went to a costume party trying to resemble Elton John. You wouldn't believe what happened.
The only reason I'm telling you this story is that- you know how Facebook digs up old pictures and puts them on your feed? Well just tonite this shot popped up.
The backstory: 6 years ago I went to a costume store looking for an Elton John wardrobe. For some reason, they didn't have that in stock (I guess that was a big run-on Elton that year). So they tried their best and pieced one together using a flamboyant robe-like thing, equally flamboyant cap and glasses.
Well you'll never believe what happened. I went to the listener party at the former Turf Inn on Wolf Road in Albany. I walk in the door and moments later see something in my peripheral vision that cracked me up - another 'GNA (former) staff member with the EXACT same outfit on. When I could catch my breath from laughter, I blurted out "What are YOU supposed to be? ) He answered confidently, "A PIMP!" And YOU?"
I found the picture, by the way. OK, I had a piano tie and he didn't, and different shirts, but the rest was the same…
I don't know what the wardrobe person was thinking here, but it turned out to be a really funny moment that comes to mind each year during Halloween. (Did you see what they made us dress up as THIS year?