Fighting Sex Trafficking in The Capital Region
It's not something that you think about being so close to home. You know it exists but it always seems to be out of sight out of mind. However, it's right in out own back yard.
As you spend time with your loved ones it's hard to think about the darker side of the Capital Region. New reports from WNYT show the story of woman who was kidnapped in California and dragged clear across the country to New York.
Sherri Papini was beaten, starved, branded and forced into the world of sex trafficking.
A girl has come forward anonymously to say that at 14 years old, she was abducted from the streets of Schenectady and forces into prostitution.
Stephen Dick Jr, the owner of Nite Moves, a strip club is lending a hand to help fight against sex trafficking.
The article also states that it's a misconception that most women who are abducted are poor or immigrants.
In most cases, the victims are young girls who are meeting strangers from the internet.
To help victims or to report a case please call:
1-888-373-7888 or text HELP to 233733 ("Be Free")