Could School Snow Days in NY Be Gone? Why It’s a Terrible Idea
There has been a ton of talk lately about eliminating snow days for kids in New York state schools. Because of the pandemic, we all have had this shift of thinking that our kids can learn virtually. The truth is, they can. The question is, "Why do we want to do that to our kids?". Isn't a snow day a sacred rite of passage or something that only kids in cold, snowy, areas get to experience with all the fun that comes along with it?
Why Do I Think Snow Days Are Important?
There are several reasons. The main one is to let the kids be kids. Without sounding like an old lady, I think enough is enough. These kids, my son included, are always on a screen. Why would we make a snow day into a virtual learning day so they can continue to sit on a screen? Let them get outside and have some fun in the snow. It's good for every aspect of their mental health. They socialize, exercise, and just let loose. That's my opinion anyway.
Some of My Favorite Childhood Memories Happened on Snow Days
Whenever it snows enough to go sleigh riding, I always bring up stories about how my sister and our friends in the neighborhood would go down the most dangerous hills in Mechanicville and how a few times we went so fast we flew off of our sleds in different directions and almost "died". We would always stay out till we were frozen and then have hot chocolate at my friend, Jenny's house. These are the memories these kids should be making, not getting on Google Meets to get their next assignment.
One Argument is That They Will Have a Longer Summer
I understand that if kids have virtual school instead of snow days that they will start summer earlier. However, I feel like the few extra days of summer break won't come close to those precious snow days that make you feel like mother nature gave you a day off to play and be a kid. Will they remember they got out of school on June 15th or the snowstorm that gave them the best day off in the middle of the school year?