Tips and Tricks

Hysterical Video Proof That A Woman Should NOT Change Her Mind!
Hysterical Video Proof That A Woman Should NOT Change Her Mind!
Hysterical Video Proof That A Woman Should NOT Change Her Mind!
There is an old expression that says, "It's a  woman's prerogative to change her mind". However, is it always a good idea? I think not. I found these two different videos today and while they could go under so many different categories such as, "the dangers of summer parks", or "Parenting 101", I chose this angle to take on them.
An Apple A Day Makes Your Girl Want To Play –  Are Apples An Aphrodisiac For Women?
An Apple A Day Makes Your Girl Want To Play – Are Apples An Aphrodisiac For Women?
An Apple A Day Makes Your Girl Want To Play – Are Apples An Aphrodisiac For Women?
Imagine if something as simple as eating an apple could improve your sex life?  Well, according to one study, it can.  According to an article in the Huffington Post, a study out of Italy claims that women who eat an apple or two a day enjoy a better sex life and have more of a sexual appetite than women who do not eat them at all.
Average Woman Spends Way Too Much Time Taking Selfies
Average Woman Spends Way Too Much Time Taking Selfies
Average Woman Spends Way Too Much Time Taking Selfies
Now that "selfies" are a thing—it's true, the word's even in the dictionary now—we can safely assume that we'll be taking pictures of ourselves in that manner for the rest of our pathetic lives. And, thankfully, a new study found out just how much time we'll be wasting on the phenomenon...
Watch Our Staff Define the New Webster’s Dictionary Words – LOL! [Video]
Watch Our Staff Define the New Webster’s Dictionary Words – LOL! [Video]
Watch Our Staff Define the New Webster’s Dictionary Words – LOL! [Video]
Merriam-Webster is adding over 150 words to the newest edition of its "Collegiate Dictionary." There are a lot of tech related words:   1. Hashtag   2.  Selfie  3. Hot spot . . . as in a WiFi hot spot.   4.  Big data, which they define as, "an accumulation of data that is too large and complex for processing by traditional database management tools"   5...
Good News! That Bloody Mary You Just Sucked Down Counts As a Veggie
Good News! That Bloody Mary You Just Sucked Down Counts As a Veggie
Good News! That Bloody Mary You Just Sucked Down Counts As a Veggie
We all joke about it: when we eat apple pie "it counts as a fruit, right?" Or when you drink a Bloody Mary on Sunday morning, "getting my veggies in!" And, there's been a debate for decades over whether ketchup counts as a vegetable - even in my own home!
Unwritten Rules About Facebook – What You Need to Know
Unwritten Rules About Facebook – What You Need to Know
Unwritten Rules About Facebook – What You Need to Know
Even though it's been around for more than 10 years, some people still don't know the unwritten rules to Facebook.  Yahoo has compiled a list, and as a public service to our loyal listeners and Facebook friends, I'm sharing it with you now...
Today I Taught My Son How To Zip Line, Rock Climb And How To Fly – How Did You Enjoy This Amazing Sunny Day?
Today I Taught My Son How To Zip Line, Rock Climb And How To Fly – How Did You Enjoy This Amazing Sunny Day?
Today I Taught My Son How To Zip Line, Rock Climb And How To Fly – How Did You Enjoy This Amazing Sunny Day?
What an amazing day! You know I was complaining just a few weeks ago about how the temperatures outside were 15 degrees below normal, today we got a taste of the opposite. Today was sunny and in the 80's and while most of us did have to put some work in, I hope you found a few minutes to enjoy the summer weather. I had a great adventure with my 3 year old son and we did some amazing things,and we
Kids Who Eat Chicken Off the Bone Are More Aggressive [Watch]
Kids Who Eat Chicken Off the Bone Are More Aggressive [Watch]
Kids Who Eat Chicken Off the Bone Are More Aggressive [Watch]
This can't be true, right?  When I read articles about this study from Cornell, I thought, "This has got to be a joke, right?" Well, it seems it may be true.   Watch the latest video at Based on what the "expert" was saying, you probably don't need to change your menu plans, but what kind of media outlet would we be if we didn't bring you the "har
5 Make-Out Turn-Offs
5 Make-Out Turn-Offs
5 Make-Out Turn-Offs
When you're kissing someone special, you might just be wondering what they're thinking about you.  I know when I was dating I used to be nervous about my breath, or technique - I can't be alone! Well, a new survey asked people for the most unattractive things to deal with when you're making out with someone...

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