
Lab Spreads Love to Boy With Down Syndrome
Lab Spreads Love to Boy With Down Syndrome
Lab Spreads Love to Boy With Down Syndrome
This adorable video of a lab befriending a boy with Down Syndrome is spreading like wildfire around the Internet.  Until today, I haven't slowed down enough to really watch it!  Well, now that I have I'm so in love with it!   Animals can provide so much comfort and companionship - especially to those with disabilities or special needs! ...
Another Internet Hoax?
Another Internet Hoax?
Another Internet Hoax?
I giggled when I saw this video so I had to share!  This poor guy is just coming out of surgery and waking up from anesthesia, when he discovers his "hot" wife! Some experts are saying it may be another hoax - but I'd like to believe it's real, and super cute...
Could Organizing Your House Improve Your Love Life?
Could Organizing Your House Improve Your Love Life?
Could Organizing Your House Improve Your Love Life?
I don’t know about you, but at my house, when everything is super unorganized, Mommy’s not happy, and when Mommy’s not happy, no one is happy! Well, I recently I stumbled upon an article about how being organized can actually improve your love life...
My Dad’s Message From The Other Side- Psychic Medium Maureen Hancock Blew My Mind [Audio]
My Dad’s Message From The Other Side- Psychic Medium Maureen Hancock Blew My Mind [Audio]
My Dad’s Message From The Other Side- Psychic Medium Maureen Hancock Blew My Mind [Audio]
I have always been interested in Psychic Mediums.  the idea of being able to hear from someone who has passed is just so amazing. How much peace could someone find? It's always been one of those things I "WANT" to believe but I don't think I ever really really did, you know? Well, until today.
Awful Letter
Awful Letter
Awful Letter
This honestly makes me sick. I feel like I should put out some sort of warning to people before they read it, however it doesn't contain violence or sexually explicit language. No, it is far worse than anything that we as a society deem socially unacceptable. Yet to me, it is the FIRST thing we should all be condemning.
Kissed Out?
Kissed Out?
Kissed Out?
Have you heard the story?  Is this justified or political correctness gone wild?  A girl gets bounced out from a summer camp for smooching?  How do you feel about this?

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