
Here is the Key to A Happy Marriage…
Here is the Key to A Happy Marriage…
Here is the Key to A Happy Marriage…
Every couple gets into an occasional argument, right?  Well, according to a new study by the University of California-Berkeley, the key to marital happiness is . . . how fast the WIFE stops being angry after arguments.  I guess the researchers found that it didn't matter how fast or slow the husband got over arguments ...
Women Say No Nookie Until They Get Their Road
Women Say No Nookie Until They Get Their Road
Women Say No Nookie Until They Get Their Road
Let me just say, I'm not recommending this method for just anything, however, for a life or death situation such as this... it just may be brilliant! All of the women in a small town in Colombia have launched a SEX STRIKE . . . no one's getting any until the one road into town is fixed...
This Father’s Reaction To His Son’s Math Score Is PRICELESS [VIDEO]
This Father’s Reaction To His Son’s Math Score Is PRICELESS [VIDEO]
This Father’s Reaction To His Son’s Math Score Is PRICELESS [VIDEO]
It was just last night that after a long talk (lecture) with my 15-year-old son, that I hugged him and told him that he never has to worry about letting me down, that it's my job to be there for him and to be a good father. Being a father is a job I take more seriously than anything else I do, though I fall short all too often. I told him that it is me who is so very afraid that I will let him dow
Kris Jenner and Bruce Jenner are Dunzo!
Kris Jenner and Bruce Jenner are Dunzo!
Kris Jenner and Bruce Jenner are Dunzo!
If you watch "Keeping Up With the Kardashians," this probably comes as no surprise to you, but Kris Jenner has announced that she and her husband of 22 years, Bruce, have separated. Although they have no immediate plans to divorce at this time, they are living apart and their marriage is over...
Find The Beauty In Life Around You EVERYDAY! (PHOTOS)
Find The Beauty In Life Around You EVERYDAY! (PHOTOS)
Find The Beauty In Life Around You EVERYDAY! (PHOTOS)
We have all heard the expression, "Stop and smell the roses." A simple reminder to take a few moments once in a while to appreciate the beauty that surrounds us in life everyday. While I, like most, do not stop and notice all the things I should, once in a while something just catches me and I thought I'd share it with you.

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