National News

Spam Calls Could Bring High Charges
Spam Calls Could Bring High Charges
Spam Calls Could Bring High Charges
There seems to be an influx of spam calls lately. They are calls from overseas and even some countries I never knew existed. Well now a cell phone provider is saying to be cautious because they could cost you.
Simpsons Make Fun of Upstate New York, Cuomo Responds
Simpsons Make Fun of Upstate New York, Cuomo Responds
Simpsons Make Fun of Upstate New York, Cuomo Responds
In case you somehow missed it (though it was all over the news and social media), the 'Simpsons' recently had an episode where it made fun of Upstate New York.  It even hit close to home, with Niskayuna making an appearance as part of the episode...
Dairy Queen Offering Blizzard Flights
Dairy Queen Offering Blizzard Flights
Dairy Queen Offering Blizzard Flights
One of my favorite desserts is the Dairy Queen Blizzard. If you have as much of a problem as I do deciding which delicious concoction to get, Dairy Queen just made it easier.
Amazon Will Offer Even Faster Delivery
Amazon Will Offer Even Faster Delivery
Amazon Will Offer Even Faster Delivery
I don't know what we would do without Amazon Prime. Jenn lives and dies by all of the things we get conveniently delivered to our house. Well now it's going to be even faster and more convenient for everyone.

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