Medical news

New Labels for Sunscreen
New Labels for Sunscreen
New Labels for Sunscreen
New guidelines were issued yesterday by the Food & Drug Administration regarding sunscreen and their labels.
Four Ways to Help You Eat Less
Four Ways to Help You Eat Less
Four Ways to Help You Eat Less
This will be my second "Health" related post. Just some tips that I find out there that maybe you haven't seen yet or heard of. Yes when I wrote my first one about ways to lose weight, I did get the inevitable, "Sean McMaster giving health tips...
Allergies Can Even Hit Later in Life
Allergies Can Even Hit Later in Life
Allergies Can Even Hit Later in Life
I can remember my allergies not nearly bothering me as much as they do now that I am older.  Every Spring, I get terrible hayfever and it seems to last a little bit longer year after year.
Limit on Cholestrol Lowering Drug
Limit on Cholestrol Lowering Drug
Limit on Cholestrol Lowering Drug
The Food & Drug Administration announced yesterday a new limit on the cholestrol-lowering drug, Zocor; a drug taken by almost 2.1 Americans, according to the Times Union.
The 3 Most Common Regrets People Have on Their Deathbed
The 3 Most Common Regrets People Have on Their Deathbed
The 3 Most Common Regrets People Have on Their Deathbed
I know it seems like a dreary depressing topic but in reality, I think it's the opposite. It's funny, if you were going into a restaurant and someone coming out said, "Food is great there but don't get the special tonight, it just wasn't very good." You would thank them and you would definitely NOT order the special. SO we can learn from the experiences of others, yet sadly in many cases
Cell Phones Might Cause Cancer
Cell Phones Might Cause Cancer
Cell Phones Might Cause Cancer
New information put out by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (part of the World Health Organization) says cell phones might be a carcinogen that MIGHT be linked to brain cancer.
5 Ways to Lose Weight in Ten Seconds
5 Ways to Lose Weight in Ten Seconds
5 Ways to Lose Weight in Ten Seconds
If you have ever watched, "The Doctors" on TV,  then you are probably familiar with Dr. Travis Stork. Recently, extrapolated some of the tips for weight loss that he gives in his book, "The Lean Belly Prescription".  Clearly your not actually going to get thinner in ten seconds, but he does give some tips that only take ten seconds that can help you lose weight i

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