Medical news

Allergies! Help! What Do I Do?
Allergies! Help! What Do I Do?
Allergies! Help! What Do I Do?
I've never really noticed having allergies before and I've lived in the 518 my whole life but I feel like this year they're terrible and I need help with what to do about them.
Bite from New Tick Results in Food Allergy
Bite from New Tick Results in Food Allergy
Bite from New Tick Results in Food Allergy
Ticks have been a rising problem in the Capital Region and so far my only worry has been the threat of Lyme Disease, well, until I learned about the Lone Star tick.
Salt Den In Latham Said To Be Where To Go For Respitory Health Help
Salt Den In Latham Said To Be Where To Go For Respitory Health Help
Salt Den In Latham Said To Be Where To Go For Respitory Health Help
Allergies? Yeah, I've got those. Badly, actually. People usually express after the third or fourth, "God Bless You," that they're done blessing me. It's cool. I'm used to it. In fact, I typically tell them not to bother after the first one because some days, there might be 15 sneezes coming my way at any given moment.
Hudson Falls Man with Parkinson’s Gets to Keep His Goat
Hudson Falls Man with Parkinson’s Gets to Keep His Goat
Hudson Falls Man with Parkinson’s Gets to Keep His Goat
Greg Cutler of Hudson Falls is living with Parkinson's disease. It's a disease that gets worse as time goes by, with a cure unknown. Not much makes the every day easier, but it turns out that one thing truly has made a difference for him; his service pet goat.
1 Year Old, Grayson Needs Help Getting His Service Dog
1 Year Old, Grayson Needs Help Getting His Service Dog
1 Year Old, Grayson Needs Help Getting His Service Dog
A month ago, or so I participated in the JDRF Walk for type 1 diabetes in support of my little bff, Grayson. He was diagnosed at just 13 months and has been struggling daily with his levels as he learns the ins and outs of T1D before he can say more than a handful of words.
Should You Be Worried About The Zika Virus?
Should You Be Worried About The Zika Virus?
Should You Be Worried About The Zika Virus?
Should we be worried about the Zika Virus here in the United States, the short answer is no. Keep in mind I am not a Doctor nor do I even play one on the radio. Heck I didn't even sleep at a Holiday Inn Express last night, I did however take the time to read a few articles about the Virus and I feel pretty good about our situation here in America.

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