
6 Mother’s Day Gift Ideas That You Can Do Easily
6 Mother’s Day Gift Ideas That You Can Do Easily
6 Mother’s Day Gift Ideas That You Can Do Easily
It's true that we're all living busy lives. Quite possibly busier than any generation before us and with that it's hard to find the time for everything. However, there is always time for Mom! Mother's Day is coming up this
Thoughts Had While Currently Binge Watching: Game of Thrones
Thoughts Had While Currently Binge Watching: Game of Thrones
Thoughts Had While Currently Binge Watching: Game of Thrones
I thought this might be a good thing to start since I "binge watch" so frequently. Notice I'm okay admitting this because I don't feel like this is looked down upon these days. We all find ourselves doing it, don't we? A television show pops up on Netflix, you remember the
Upstate New York Day Trips You MUST Take
Upstate New York Day Trips You MUST Take
Upstate New York Day Trips You MUST Take
We're so close to so much but do we ever take the time to remember what is really surrounding us? How many times have you had a free weekend and thought, "Man, I'm so bored, what can we do that's different?" Maybe, just maybe this list will help you out!
My Top-5 Local Childhood Spots
My Top-5 Local Childhood Spots
My Top-5 Local Childhood Spots
Growing up in the Capital Region in the '80s and '90s was awesome! I had some favorite places that I used to always love to go back to. Maybe some of yours are on my list?!
A Vegetarian’s Guide to the Capital Region
A Vegetarian’s Guide to the Capital Region
A Vegetarian’s Guide to the Capital Region
I'm fairly new to the Capital Region, and I've been a vegetarian for three years, so finding vegetarian-friendly places to eat has been a quest of mine! Here's a list of places you can count on in the Capital Region for tasty meat-free options...
5 Easy Local Hikes
5 Easy Local Hikes
5 Easy Local Hikes
You've been wanting to try hiking.  You've been thinking about it. You just don't know how to get started, like, where do you go?

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