
Do You Have New York’s Most Popular Last Name?
Do You Have New York’s Most Popular Last Name?
Do You Have New York’s Most Popular Last Name?
I can remember skimming the phone book when I was younger. (I know, what the heck is a phone book, Marissa?!) Looking at all of the names. Finding my family, my Grandparents, my Aunts and Uncles and getting so excited. It was also crazy to me seeing so many of the same last names over and over and over again because, quite honestly, there are maybe just a handful with my own.
Secret Sister Gift Exchange Is a Facebook Scam
Secret Sister Gift Exchange Is a Facebook Scam
Secret Sister Gift Exchange Is a Facebook Scam
It sounds like an amazing opportunity to spread love and joy this holiday season and I'll start by saying that there are some people that are being truly legit about it. In some cases, it involves women boosting other womens confidence and pushing them to reach their goals and otherwise. But most of the time, it's the exact opposite and it's just getting you to spend money.
10 Locally Relatable Costume Ideas for this Halloween [PICS]
10 Locally Relatable Costume Ideas for this Halloween [PICS]
10 Locally Relatable Costume Ideas for this Halloween [PICS]
Okay, I know what some of you may be thinking: "I should be a creepy clown for Halloween!" I'll state this now, that's not a good idea. In fact, police in a lot of counties across the state are asking that you don't do that. Lets just avoid the problems, k? But, I do encourage you to stay locally focused in your efforts for a creatively bomb-tastic costume!
What Would You Win an Gold Olympian Medal For? [POLL]
What Would You Win an Gold Olympian Medal For? [POLL]
What Would You Win an Gold Olympian Medal For? [POLL]
I watch these Olympic sports and I get jealous. My asthma doesn't allow a lot of cardio in my life. Don't get me wrong, I've played softball forever at this point, even when it wasn't easy to breathe. But alas, I'm not Olympian worthy. It did get me thinking though.
5 Things to Add to Your Upstate New York Bucketlist
5 Things to Add to Your Upstate New York Bucketlist
5 Things to Add to Your Upstate New York Bucketlist
When you live here, you tend to take some of the awesomeness for granted. Don't worry, it's not just you. I'm not like, pointing my finger at you in upset. It's the majority of us. I've heard it so many times, "ugh, I can't wait to move away from here." And then you know what happens? Those people move... and then they move back.

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