Our cold October and November may be the best indicator of what is to come this winter.

It has definitely been colder than normal the last month or so, and now another winter forecast is saying that trend will continue into winter.

A recent a Weather Channel report about the months ahead is calling for colder than average temperatures in December, January and February. I should note we are not talking extremely colder, but pretty good odds at colder, which we all know can be the difference in many storms dumping snow on the Capital Region.

We have seen varying reports about the winter ahead, some saying it will be warmer, others colder and snowier. And at his point of the year it has already been COLD!  SO we are probably better off planning for the weeks ahead at this point versus the months.It's upstate New York, and we all know the weather can change on a dime and throw something at us we weren't expecting.


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