A Thank You Song To WGNA FM Facebook Friends [AUDIO]
It amazes me every time. The loyalty displayed by WGNA listeners. Even for a stupid thing like a birthday! Heck-everybody has one. What's the big deal, right? But I got an incredible present over the weekend-well wishes from fabulous Facebookers, and I just felt like I had to do something! This was like a mountain. I had to climb it because it was there. A long list of names that begged to be "rhymed". Unfortunately I couldn't possibly get to all of them, so I just randomly picked ones that went with the song. (if your name had more than 3 syllables, I guess you were S.O.L.!)
If you happened to miss it on the air, I am repeating it here so you can possibly hear the veiled attempt at rhyming your name with the one next to it!
If I couldn't get to your name, I apologize. We're on a time constraint in the morning! But knowing that you are all out there is extremely gratifying to all of us on the show. Thanks again, friend. (hey, that rhymed too!) Rhymin' Richie