weird news

Creative Ways To Recycle Your Motorcycle Parts
Creative Ways To Recycle Your Motorcycle Parts
Creative Ways To Recycle Your Motorcycle Parts
I’ll be the first to admit- a motorcyle dude I’ll never be.  (I broke my collarbone once on a moped--if that gives you any idea)  But through the station and on my own I’ve met many who love the sport and I totally appreciate the enthusiam it generates.  Ahhh, the freedom one must feel as you crank it up on the beautiful Adirondack Northway in the summer on the way to Americade!
Snow Sculptures On Steroids
Snow Sculptures On Steroids
Snow Sculptures On Steroids
Remember when we were kids?  As soon as there was a fresh snowfall, we'd go rummaging through all the closets looking for old hats, scarves, carrots--and then shlepping everything out into the snow to make the next great "sculpture".