In these uncertain times, businesses are trying to make the most of what they produce. A local distillery has gone from making alcohol to making hand sanitizer.
It may look like the area is out of hand sanitizer, but one Albany Distillery is doing their part to make their own (and get you some beverages to have at home during the coronavirus).
When I think of drinking out with my friends, there are a few ways that I could seriously hurt myself but the vessel that I'm drinking it out of wouldn't be my first guess.
I may have gotten a little behind on my posts about Trisha's Southern Kitchen but now I'm started, I'm ready to go! It may only be my second one but I'm already ready for a drink.
I recently read online that you could take some really cheap vodka from the bottom shelf at the liquor store and if you ran it though your water filter a few times, you'd never be able to tell the difference between that and really smooth, expensive stuff...
Bethany and I made your fall drinks an easy choice, so we thought, "what could we do next?" During the week, Bethany had found this test online. The theory was that if you ran the cheapest of vodkas through