
Still No Real Explanation for ‘The Dress’
Still No Real Explanation for ‘The Dress’
Still No Real Explanation for ‘The Dress’
The Internet EXPLODED on Thursday night over "The Dress."  Maybe you saw it as blue and black, maybe white and gold, maybe BOTH. I saw white and gold, no question. But my husband, and both of my kids saw blue and black. And chastised me for not seeing it that way...
Turns Out Money CAN Buy You Happiness, No Matter What your Budget Is – Here’s How…
Turns Out Money CAN Buy You Happiness, No Matter What your Budget Is – Here’s How…
Turns Out Money CAN Buy You Happiness, No Matter What your Budget Is – Here’s How…
I think we could all find ways to argue with that old saying "money can't buy happiness" but now science is doing it for us. While it very well be true that in general having money doesn't make you happy and in fact can sometimes make you downright miserable there are specific ways in which it can.
An Apple A Day Makes Your Girl Want To Play –  Are Apples An Aphrodisiac For Women?
An Apple A Day Makes Your Girl Want To Play – Are Apples An Aphrodisiac For Women?
An Apple A Day Makes Your Girl Want To Play – Are Apples An Aphrodisiac For Women?
Imagine if something as simple as eating an apple could improve your sex life?  Well, according to one study, it can.  According to an article in the Huffington Post, a study out of Italy claims that women who eat an apple or two a day enjoy a better sex life and have more of a sexual appetite than women who do not eat them at all.
Where Is The Malaysian Airline? East Berne Resident Don Elliott Thinks He Knows! [VIDEO]
Where Is The Malaysian Airline? East Berne Resident Don Elliott Thinks He Knows! [VIDEO]
Where Is The Malaysian Airline? East Berne Resident Don Elliott Thinks He Knows! [VIDEO]
His name is Don Elliott, and there was a pretty big writeup in the local papers about him.  It piqued our interest, so we got him on the air to discuss his apparent findings.  He swears that he knows where this mysterious Malaysian airplane is located!  Fascinating audio and video to follow!
Here’s How You Can Always Win Rock, Paper, Scissors
Here’s How You Can Always Win Rock, Paper, Scissors
Here’s How You Can Always Win Rock, Paper, Scissors
My handsome husband is literally an award-winning Rock, Paper, Scissors player!  No joke, at one point he was one of the world's top-25 players! But now, thanks to researchers at MIT, I can guarantee he'll be a champion. As long as the person he's playing against isn't ALSO reading this right now...
Does This Guy Have 2 Noses?
Does This Guy Have 2 Noses?
Does This Guy Have 2 Noses?
Doctors have grown a Chinese man a new nose... on his forehead! Xiaolian, the patient, had his nose damaged from an infection following a car accident. His doctors decided the only way to reconstruct his nose was to surgically form a new one on the 22-year-old's forehead...
Laura Fernee Says She Is Too Pretty To Work [VIDEO]
Laura Fernee Says She Is Too Pretty To Work [VIDEO]
Laura Fernee Says She Is Too Pretty To Work [VIDEO]
Laura Fernee a 33 year old English woman says, she is just too pretty to work. it would seem that people in the workplace are just too shallow and can not seem to except her for her merits and intelligence and all they see is how beautiful she is. According to an article on Mail Online, she said, "I’m not lazy and I’m no bimbo. The truth is my good looks have caused massive problems for me wh

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