Sean, Richie and Bethany conducted a blind taste test about three domestic light beers, so that got me thinking about what most people would choose as their favorite.
Don't be seen with a peasant beer in your hand at the bar this summer... or ever!
A new study figured out the top 10 beers people drink just to look cool.
Beers were rated on things like their impression of the brand, the quality, the reputation, and how willing they are to recommend it...
With the amazing Saratoga Brewfest on the way in June, we thought we would try to do a beer tasing contest but not with the amazing craft brews you will find at Saratoga Brewfest, we were wondering which of the three big DOMESTIC light beers we would prefer if we didn't know what we were drinking.
America on Tap’s Saratoga Brewfest is a must-go for you and your friends on June 13. Over 75 breweries from around the country are going to be in attendance, including many local gems, like these five:
The America On Tap Craft Beer Festival is coming to Saratoga on Saturday, June 13 featuring 100+ beers from America's finest craft breweries. If you've ever walked through the liquor store searching for that perfect refreshment and wished you could taste all of the craft beers before buying a whole case, this is the perfect time to give them a try amongst family and friends