
Terrorism in Our Schools
Terrorism in Our Schools
Terrorism in Our Schools
"Boys will be boys."  "Hey,  school is tough. "  "Let them fight it out, they will work it out."   These are the kind of things you hear when you are talking about bullies in school.  Even the word "bully" itself makes the act seem less than what it is.
This Babysitting Story Makes Me Mad
This Babysitting Story Makes Me Mad
This Babysitting Story Makes Me Mad
There's nothing I can think of as important in a parent's life as the babysitter.  Finding a good childcare specialist is crucial to a parents mental stability. That's why when I read this story, it just made me shake my head.
The Chinese Say Western Mothers Are Inferior
The Chinese Say Western Mothers Are Inferior
The Chinese Say Western Mothers Are Inferior
    This will get some watercooler talk going today!   I'm sure we'll be fighting it out on the morning show at some point as well.  According to the Wall Street Journal, there's at least one Chinese mother who feels that their country is MUCH better at raising successful kids.  How?  By not taking any ....crap!  I guess that's the best way to summarize this article.  This is a MUST read. Read Mor